Sunday, July 21, 2024

HHSA: Sunday's Results

2024 All Races
Class: 2024 Season Races. PHRF (Time on distance)
7/21 #5RW 10.6: Wind Speed 13: Direction WSW
Start Time: Sunday, July 21, 2024 14:05:00: Distance 10.6

Pos Boat Skipper PHRF Type Finish Elapsed Corrected Score
1 ENCORE GRAHAM,TOM 230 G&B Ketch 37.5' 16:08:59 02:03:59 01:23:21 10
2 ARTFUL DODGER POWERS,MIKE 39 TARTAN 3500 15:48:04 01:43:04 01:36:11 9
3 GLORIA BECKER,ROGER 150 C&C 24 16:08:45 02:03:45 01:37:15 8
4 ESCAPE WELCH,TOM &. -5 J100 15:45:08 01:40:08 01:41:01 7
5 TAMU WESCOTT,TOM 65 ALERION 28 15:57:40 01:52:40 01:41:11 6
6 PENELOPE FLAM,MO 49 ALERION X 28 15:56:47 01:51:47 01:43:08 5
7 TRINITY McDONOUGH,DAVID -30 J40 15:45:50 01:40:50 01:46:08 4
8 ZEBRA SUTULA,FRANK -56 W-46 15:42:25 01:37:25 01:47:19 3
9 SILHOUETTE COLSON,BECK -5 ALERION 33 15:52:58 01:47:58 01:48:51 2
10 BLISS HAYES,ADAM -53 J 35c 15:45:21 01:40:21 01:49:43 1

Speed as VMG of winning boat: 5.1 knots
Race Officer: RGBecker

Created on 07/21/24 17:54:11 Scoring program: RaceSail (1.2.42)
Ahoy -

     10 boats, many dark in color, all but one over 28 feet long, took off on an hour and 45 minute drag race to the shores of America and back.  No one took longer than 2 hours and 4 minutes to traverse the 10.6 mile course which began with a one half mile windward starting leg.  After turning N6 it was off the wind until the final run from N4 to the finish.  To no one's surprise, the current played a roll in the speed of the race, allowing the off wind angles.  The wind speed pushed every boat to max hull speed.  The eastward leg from R16 to R4 was against the current, lengthening the course over the water by an amount determined by the length of time each boat took to make the run.  This should have resulted in help for the faster rated boats. The off wind courses clearly helped the Ketch, Encore, who won the coffee cup, but how the other boats were affected is beyond me.  Welcome to the crew of Escape who showed up for their first 2024 race today. 

    I think everyone would agree that it was great to get a rip-roaring sound race in the mix, as last year there were very few.  

    See you Thursday,


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