Thursday, August 22, 2024

HHSA: Thursday's results

2024 All Races
Class: 2024 Season Races. PHRF (Time on distance)
8/22 #0W 3.7: Wind Speed 15: Direction WSW
Start Time: Thursday, August 22, 2024 17:05:00: Distance 3.7

Pos Boat Skipper PHRF Delta Type Finish Elapsed Corrected Score
1 ARTFUL DODGER POWERS,MIKE 39 TARTAN 3500 17:50:05 00:45:05 00:42:41 10
2 ZEBRA SUTULA,FRANK -56 15 W-46 17:45:30 00:40:30 00:43:02 9
3 GLORIA BECKER,ROGER 150 C&C 24 17:57:18 00:52:18 00:43:03 8
4 TAMU WESCOTT,TOM 64 ALERION 28 17:53:10 00:48:10 00:44:13 7
5 SHOOTING STAR SIMONS,ROBERT 246 ALERION 20 18:04:40 00:59:40 00:44:30 6
6 TRINITY McDONOUGH,DAVID -30 63 J40 17:51:55 00:46:55 00:44:53 5
7 PENELOPE FLAM,MO 49 ALERION X 28 17:52:58 00:47:58 00:44:57 4
8 TRUCKIN' MELENY,ZANDER -38 J70 17:48:25 00:43:25 00:45:46 3
9 SILHOUETTE COLSON,BECK -5 ALERION 33 17:51:08 00:46:08 00:46:27 2

Speed as VMG of winning boat: 4.9 knots
Race Officer: RGBecker

Created on 08/22/24 20:16:14 Scoring program: RaceSail (1.2.42)
Ahoy -

    10 boats raced this evening in a good 15 knots of WSW wind.  The course was the usual windward starting leg and the standard clockwise run around the triangle.  Current was heading west, out of the sound, but didn't affect the speeds so much between the chops...maybe because of the strong wind.  Artful Dodger, undeterred by carrying the 2023 winner's penalty, won the race, but only by 21 seconds over Zebra who benefited from a ratings adjustment, having completed 5 races this season. Gloria gets a third, 1 second behind Zebra.   

    This Saturday is an opportunity to race for the VHYC Jewett Bowl.  This is a pursuit start format race with spinnaker equipped boats racing against cruising class boats using Phrf-NE ratings.  What could go wrong?  Always fun.  You need to wait until the end to find out who wins, but you don't have to wait for a report from the handicapper.  Boats are scored as the cross the finish line.  You have until 11 PM tonight to register:

   Even if you have pre-paid for the Moffett race with your HHSA dues, you need to register your boat and sign the waivers. 
Visit the website to do so right now:   2024 GEORGE MOFFETT RACE : Holmes Hole Sailing Association

   Only 3 more 2024 season races to go:  Two Sunday outings and one more Thursday evening. 

   All the best,


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